Project Manager
864.430.5950 | rcornwell@insiteconsultinggroup.com
As co-founder of InSite Consulting, LLC, Rob Cornwell’s career in both
economic development and site selection spans nearly three decades and ranges from rural economic development program implementations to
strategic leadership of large regional programs representing both private and public sectors. With a blue-chip brand list of economic development clients served including Black & Decker, Horsehead Corporation, Honda, Federal Mogul, Caterpillar and Pirelli, Rob has assisted communities across the United States in developing sound economic development strategies and marketing implementation programs.
During his career, Rob has assisted over 400 clients in North America.
Leading economic development initiatives in both urban and rural communities, he has planned and directed the business development, marketing, and
site selection efforts for private and regional organizations, including then named Beers/Skanska Corporation, a U.S.-based building construction arm of Sweden-based Skanska AB, and one of the largest construction firms in the U.S.

His extensive experience with public utilities also includes managing a 12-county regional economic development initiative for SCANA Corporation, a $9 billion Fortune 500 energy-based holding company, in which Cornwell was responsible for marketing activities and industrial/commercial siting assistance for the company’s subsidiary covering eastern
South Carolina. Specializing in economic development consulting and marketing, training, and real estate services,
his extensive experience in existing industry services, building programs, business/industrial park development, and economic development marketing programs also positions him as an expert presenter on economic development topics.
Cornwell’s career also includes service as Director of Marketing for York County Economic Development and as
Executive Director of Clarendon County Economic Development. Most recently, he has assisted economic development organizations in such areas as comprehensive economic development planning, direct marketing services, staff and
board training, and target industry studies.
Recent InSite clients served include AEP, Palmetto Economic Development Corporation, Duke Energy,
East Kentucky Power Cooperative, JobsOhio, Appalachian Power, El Dorado Chamber of Commerce,
Southeast Kentucky Chamber, South Carolina Department of Commerce, Kentucky Power, and
Greenville-Pitt County Chamber. In addition to providing economic development consulting expertise,
Cornwell also manages real estate investment activities. Cornwell is a Certified Economic Developer (CcED) and a licensed real estate professional. He earned a B.S. Degree in Business Administration from Winthrop University in Rock Hill,
South Carolina. He has served as a board member of the South Carolina Economic Developers’ Association (SCEDA) and a founding board member for the Greenville Area Development Corporation (GADC).